She's different, I'll give her that. I swear she seems un-compatible with me. I swear, me and her are so different. I dance moving my hips and shaking about, she dances with her kick-ass robot moves that I try over and over again to master. I don't know how she does it. Aside from that, she is kind and believes in justice! Who the fuck believes in justice anymore! It doesn't exist. I can't even count how many times me and this cute little bug have gotten into a fight about justice. She believes kids come first because they are young and hopeless. I believe they should just shut up and wait because they are nothing but kids. Our thoughts and views are completely different. I swear there isn't a thing we can agree on. This girl, this friend, this sister - she has guts. Well she wouldn't call it guts, she calls it plain truth. She isn't afraid to go to anyone, not even an amazing friend like myself and tell me, "Neelab shut up, you are so bossy." She leaves me speechless countless times. We meet long ago, so long ago I can't remember (because I hardly remember what I did the week before) but I know we meet forever ago. We used to love Pokemon, so there goes one thing we can agree on. And oh my god, when Yu-Gi-Oh was the thing, me and her would duel it out and try to win.
And then, there is this one special thing about here, she's so innocent and cute! Always in baggy shirts, and stuff. I love messing with her, but no I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable. If you are reading this Mina I'm sorry for making you so uncomfortable. I'm just trying to show you my love and nothing more, I promise! Haha, anyways love. I love you.
As much as I hate your 'justice lectures' I love your guidance lectures. I love the way you try to teach me the right way or inform me of what was wrong and right. When my life was tumbling down, you were there to hug me. When I lost myself, you were there to slap me back into reality. I can't express how important you are to me.
-Thank you for being there for me, even though I scare you (hurts me to know you won't dorm with me.)
HAHAHA mina read this and wouldn't let me read this in front of her
<3 hope she liked it