I wish you were my sister, not that I hate my sister, but I wouldn't mind having another to call my own and beat on them (j/k). But before I say anything, I want to tell you something, I love you and I want to thank you for introducing me to Sana Ali - who has become one of my closest friends. But enough of that girl! This isn't about her, but instead it is of you. And no, I didn't post your own post last because I hated you, but because you were the most important. Because I needed to collect my thoughts, I needed to think of memories, I needed to edit this beautiful picture of you I found. It shows everyone the same smile you shower me in, the same friendliness you wrap everyone you meet in. Did I mention I love your cute curly hair. I wish I could look so good in short hair, but sadly I don't. It's OK, I'll stick to the long you stick to the short.
Anyways, let us continue our grand talk about nobody other then you. Here is a memory I will always remember - one day I was at your house and we were playing some video game on the Nintendo. I think it was Pokemon, but then again who gives a damn? So yeah, we got into an argument during the game and suddenly you threw the controller at me and it hit me in the knee, and you made me bleed. (/Gasp) Yes, you made me bleed so feel guilty. I ran away then, in someone's bedroom, and hid in the closet, crying, and muttering about how much I hated you. But one hug from you, (the same person who abused me) made me feel happy again.
I can't stay mad at you, not when you look like a puffy, cute, jiggly-puff! I just want to squeeze you, and love you forever and forever. Haha, I remember also when I first came to your house and hid away with my mom like some feral child. But your mom was like "give them a few minutes and they'd be OK." Well guess what, few minutes later we were on the ground, squealing and crawling, pretending we were Pokemon, remember!
And I love the way you dance, those awesome arm movements, and wiggle body things, and the whole worm like thing. At my graduation party, July 16-ish, you better dance or I'm personally going to escort you out.
I admit, we have had our bad tim- oh wait! Remember that one time I thought I could beat you in karate and I threw a hesitant punch and suddenly you grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground and break into your dramatic giggle/evil laugh laughter, yes, I remember that, oh the pain!
Now, back to what I was saying, we've had our good times and our best, and I know you think I'm bossy and mean but get over it. (j/k) And I want to thank you for seeing through my countless flaws, and accepting me for who I am. And thank you for ditching me countless times when I come over your house to go to the park and you force me to follow you like a beaten puppy.
But thank you again. I hope this post will do me some justice for taking so long on your own blog. Forgive me, (/bows to you & then...pounces!)
I love you Muska.
Aww I love you too!