She's different, I'll give her that. I swear she seems un-compatible with me. I swear, me and her are so different. I dance moving my hips and shaking about, she dances with her kick-ass robot moves that I try over and over again to master. I don't know how she does it. Aside from that, she is kind and believes in justice! Who the fuck believes in justice anymore! It doesn't exist. I can't even count how many times me and this cute little bug have gotten into a fight about justice. She believes kids come first because they are young and hopeless. I believe they should just shut up and wait because they are nothing but kids. Our thoughts and views are completely different. I swear there isn't a thing we can agree on. This girl, this friend, this sister - she has guts. Well she wouldn't call it guts, she calls it plain truth. She isn't afraid to go to anyone, not even an amazing friend like myself and tell me, "Neelab shut up, you are so bossy." She leaves me speechless countless times. We meet long ago, so long ago I can't remember (because I hardly remember what I did the week before) but I know we meet forever ago. We used to love Pokemon, so there goes one thing we can agree on. And oh my god, when Yu-Gi-Oh was the thing, me and her would duel it out and try to win.And then, there is this one special thing about here, she's so innocent and cute! Always in baggy shirts, and stuff. I love messing with her, but no I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable. If you are reading this Mina I'm sorry for making you so uncomfortable. I'm just trying to show you my love and nothing more, I promise! Haha, anyways love. I love you.As much as I hate your 'justice lectures' I love your guidance lectures. I love the way you try to teach me the right way or inform me of what was wrong and right. When my life was tumbling down, you were there to hug me. When I lost myself, you were there to slap me back into reality. I can't express how important you are to me.-Thank you for being there for me, even though I scare you (hurts me to know you won't dorm with me.)
Life, it has its unexpected turns and detours. There is no such things as genies, or a fountain of youth. None of those things exist. It's just tears, blood, and laughter. You want your wish or your dream to come true, then you fight for it. You want to be young forever, then live everyday as if it were your last. You cannot linger onto the past, I've learned that. Reality doesn't wait for you. Once your trip, you're left behind. And if you're left behind, it isn't over. Just stand up and run, run real fast, and hope that you can catch onto what has left you. I'm honest and I'm speaking from the heart. No lie.
I've learned on my own that I can't be so full of doubts. Since middle school, I've been through shit. And when someone asks me if I've regretted what I've done or what has happened to me, I stand up proudly and say, "no." It's made me who I am. Without my past, I wouldn't be the Neelab who is writing this right now. Not even close. I have my weak points, I wont lie.
But I also have my strong points, the points that are always seen. Now with those two, I have this wall. It's a large wall, bigger then the wall of China. I'm closed in behind the stones, but I don't mind them. They are there to protect me, and I like feeling protected. You can try to hammer this wall down, you wont be able to do it. You can try climbing the wall, but you wont reach it. Only a few people have, when tons of others have been blocked out. Everyone can say they know me, but only a handful, if even that, can say they know the real me. Who is the real me? that's the me you need to find. It isn't my job to expose myself to whoever wants to get inside. If someone really wanted to know me, then they'd make it a priority to climb over that wall. The task itself isn't impossible. It is whether or not you'd want to do it. I know many people have walls, I believe everyone does. How high the wall is - that depends on the person and their past. For it is your past who makes you who you are.
Live your life & have no regrets.
If I wasn't attracted to the male gender, I swear I'd be in love already. I have this friend, a friend I can tell anything and everything to. A friend who knows my deepest and dirtiest secret, and I wont lie about that. I have a friend who I fight with, a friend I cry to, and a friend I lie to. But whatever happens, we are still friends. We have each other's back, or at least I hope she has mine. Though I admit, she's a small little thing. If I was to fall, I wonder if she could catch me. But size isn't everything, at least when it comes to height. Because this one girl has a big heart. It's so big, she accepts me no matter who I may be. She knows the real me, the me that will be in the future, the me in the past, and the current me. She knows when I cry, she's seen me at my worst, she's seen me laugh, she's seen me at my best. I love her with all my heart, and I'm fucking serious when I say she'd be mine if I weren't straight.
But I'm sorry Sana Ali, I'm sorry for not letting this relationship be anything more, but I promise to love you all the same. You make me warm and fuzzy inside, (not in a perverted way!) You're always there to listen to me and you answer your texts quickly, and you pick up your calls, and you listen when I scream and rant, and in the end you're still on the other line. We may live a billion miles away from one another, but! that doesn't stop us.
Two more years from now, at U of H, we are getting a dorm together and nobody can stop us!
So, this morning - June 23 (only 3 more days until I'm legal), I was sleeping like usual in my big comfy bed. I was enjoying my rest and I thought nothing could ruin it, or make it better in that matter. But then about 5 am-ish, my little brother comes to my side and tugs on my blanket with his big droopy eyes and mutters, "Neelab can I sleep with you. I had a nightmare, zombies were chasing me." Too tired to really give a damn, I moan and turn over, giving him room. He climbs in after me and curls up behind me, placing his hands under my shirt and hiding away against him. It wasn't until 7 that he finally latched off and slept on the bed. At this time, I turned and found myself smelling something along the lines of rotten flesh. Grossed out, he open my eyes, ready to throw off whatever was emitting the smell, only to come face to face with my little brother's wide open mouth. What a great way to wake up, wouldn't you say?
Determined on getting revenge, I get out of bed and find a little fluffy thing. With a video camera in my hand, I begin to mess with his nose until he began to fidget and wake up.First thing he asked me was, "is Jasper inside?" P.S. Jasper is out cat.
I'm kind, and I believe that itself is a curse. It makes me feel bound to unseen shackles. I'll admit that I feel like a slave to myself. I find it hard finding my own happiness because I'm obsessed with making someone else happy even if it were a stranger. Peace is hard for me to obtain because I'm always so stressed with someones problems. You might be saying one of two things to yourself: "she's crazy" or "aw, she's is kind." And let me assure you, both are correct. First off, I'm emotional. If someone yells at me, I'll cry because I messed up. If too much responsibility is placed on me, I'll cry in fear of failing them. If I hit someone, I'll cry because I've hurt them. If someone gets hurt, I'll cry because I didn't manage to help them. If someone cries, I'll cry because I did that to them. Notice that all my sentences were possessive. I blame myself for everything, and when I say that I mean EVERYTHING. A cartoon such as Pokemon has the power to make me sob like a baby, a book like love me, forget me can do the same to me. Simple messages also, whether text or email will have me curled up and crying. It's just who I am. Then goes my bubbly part. I'm a person who laughs far too much for her own good. I like laughing, it makes me warm inside. I like a person who can make me laugh. I swear I have wrinkles at the corners of my eyes, (I like to call them laughing lines) and my jaw usually hurts by the end of the day. My mom once told me "you laugh the same amount you cry." I suppose that is true because you will always find me doing either/or. If I'm angry, I'll be crying. If I'm happy, I'd be laughing. I suppose that saying goes well with me.Now enough about this crying, and laughing, let's get back to the kindness factor. Now I have a question for you: can someone be so kind, that it hurts & ruins them. I believe there is. I can look back at my past, see all my mistakes, and blame kindness on all of them. I did stuff I never wanted to do because I wanted them to be happy. I've held onto the past because I'd feel bad if I forgot them. I smile because they like it when I smile. I wear that kind of clothing, because they like that kind of clothing. When someone needs help, they know who to call: Neelab. It's because that girl just doesn't know how to say "no." I know it's alright to say that, to refuse to help someone, but maybe that person asking me for help really needs it. I remember, my first day in working at ihop I got yelled at by a worker. And I wasn't doing anything, I was helping. But she yelled at me and helped me realize that I needed to do something to step up. She pulled me into the kitchen and held my shoulders and said, "you are getting paid for your job and your job only. Don't listen to anyone else, don't do anyone else work, and don't pick up after them. Neelab, don't be too kind or they take advantage of you." I couldn't help but to laugh and think about how right she was.I find myself tumbling through a hole sometimes, a hole of confusion. I just wish I could be young again. Smaller, so little that it didn't matter what someone thought about you. I liked those times, times when I never cared about those who didn't care about me. But I guess that's who I am, a girl with too much kindness.
Can't believe it, it's finally over - high school, that is. I mean, it all happened so fast. No more immature boys, no more girl drama, no more stupid teachers, no more getting in trouble for walking in late to class, no more high school. It's all I ever wanted, what else could I have asked for? It wasn't until I was climbing that stage, reaching out, and taking my diploma cover that it hit me: I wanted to start high school all over. I felt tears prickling the corners of my eyes, I felt my body ache, and suddenly I felt light headed up there. People clapped for me, my family (well my mom & my aunt) cried for me because they were so proud of me, but I wasn't. I mean sure I graduated successfully, with good grades, but I wasn't involved. I wasn't that kid who was in a bunch of clubs (I wasn't even in one), nor did I go to prom. I didn't even take my senior picture (claiming that I didn't care if I was in the yearbook or not.) But when yearbooks came in and out of hundreds of pictures & pages, there was yet to be one of me. It was almost as if I never existed. If it wasn't for the signatures in the back of my book, then I'd feel invisible. At least I made some friends, important friends, friends who made me who I am today. For all those who are still in high school, live it. For those who lost the chance like myself, well, there is still college. Carpe diem